
Showing posts from 2009

Creating a XAML project for the Web

Questions about Silverlight developement in VS

A good explaination about SQL cursor

ControlTemplate and DataTemplate

WPF color pad

Good tutorials about routedEvent and customized routedEventArgs

C# Tutorial - Using Reflection to Get Object Information

Very cool: Using Silverlight to Display JSON Data (Collected From The New York Times API)

Retrieve CheckBox Value from Listbox

How to: Find ControlTemplate-Generated Elements

How to: Find DataTemplate-Generated Elements

Silverlight DataBinding Basics

Dynamically Switch WPF DataTemplate

Meet DependencyObject and DependencyProperty, the .NET Data-Binding Boosters

ControlTemplate vs. DataTemplate vs. HierarchicalDataTemplate vs. ItemsPanelTemplate

Apply Theme to WPF

Nice WPF Buttons

COOL Setter / Listbox Template

A very clear two way binding example for WPF

WPF Basic Data Binding FAQ

WPF: XmlDataProvider Two-Way Data Binding

WPF databinding tutorials

WPF data bind a nice shot

The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context

Join (SQL)

Stored Procedures: Returning Data

Choosing SQL Server 2000 Data Types

Performance / Storage Comparisons : MONEY vs. DECIMAL

Data types in Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server 2008 Designer Behavior Change: Saving Changes Not Permitted

Some SQL tips and notes

XAMAL intelisense broken after installing the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5

Using the ASP.NET membership provider in a Windows forms application

What is Mashup

CS0016 error access denied

In SQL 2005 how to convert database to mdf file

How to export database including structure and data from sqlserver 2008 to sqlserver 2005

Dynamic Loaded User Control

Determining the Control that Caused a PostBack

Good tutorial about web user control constructor

SQL server DEFAULT keyword use example

Adding Template Fields to a GridView Control

Using SQLParameters with VB.NET/C#

Call Stored procedure from within another stored procedure, return values

Procedures For ASP and VB Programmers

Delete Duplicates And Resolve Foreign Key References in SQL

FOREIGN KEY Constraints

Unique keyword in SQL

Retrieving Identity or Autonumber Values

how to add AutoNumber field or Indexed field to an existing table

I like this answer regarding database table performance question

Debug SQL stored procedure

Good tutorial for web security

Two way to copy database from one machine to another

PrinciplePermission vs web.config

Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect

The aspnet_Paths table


Use of Master Page

Use .NET built in login/memership/role security functions

An example using enum in SQL 2005

Import MDF/LDF database into SQL SERVER 2005/2008

Add .NET VS2008 Cmd prompt on your explore right-click