Use .NET built in login/memership/role security functions

Above are two links, very helpful.

I firstly tried using login control, and created users/roles in website configuration within VS2008 website/ configuration, a web tool to help create user customized key/values in web.config. However, I can not find out where my created user/password is stored.

Finally it's in ./App_Data with aspnetdb.mdf (database file)

Then I hope to integrate this database with the database vote that I am using now.

Through the above two tutorils provided by Sccot Gu, I will be able to integrate move all aspnetdb tables into database "vote".

Tools: configuration MMC in IIS to check connectionStrings, which is not automatically shown in web.config

Use aspnet_regsql.exe to customize database vote to include those authentication/authorization tables

Add or modify web.config for connectionStrings:

" "


Aaron Shi said…
(remove name="LocalSqlServer"/)
(add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=.\SqlExpress;Initial Catalog=vote;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/)